Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Two Things Tuesday...Road Trip Edition!!

Welcome home to me!! If anyone hasn't heard yet, Sonja and I went on a road trip, there was a concert in New Orleans, and after a few grueling hours of calling employees to get our shifts covered for Saturday and Sunday morning, we did it. We went to see Ani Difranco perform at Tiptina's, its a 10 hour drive there, we made it in 9. We left Orlando at 8am Saturday morning, the documenting of our trip will be portrayed in pictures and captions. :) This trip will be broken up into three posts, so without further adieu...

Welcome to the second consecutive Two Things Tuesday!! Road Trip Edition!! This may be a long one...hold on tight!!

Two Bridges: (well, maybe three)


Two State Signs: (We missed Alabama, then refused to go back because its a slightly smelly state ((No offense to anyone who lives in Alabama)))
The Mississippi Welcome Center is like a mansion. Literally. You walk in and it has massively high ceilings, chandeliers, and the sweetest little old women behind the counter. They asked us to sign the register and if we wanted coffee, and I, who am ever hesitant about accepting coffee from strangers, politely decline, Sonja accepted. Turns out it was the BEST coffee we had ever tasted. So that's what the gratified look in her picture while holding her cup up is.

I dropped my camera trying to take a picture of this sign. :( It didn't break thankfully. Louisiana, what can I say? It's pretty much just a great state. They're coffee wasn't as good, but not as bad as Florida's.

I was surprised as to how clean they're public restrooms were, it was so clean it was picture worthy. 

Two of my favorite road signs:
Just because Pascagoula is a fun word to say...more on the "Tunnel Ahead" later.

I got so excited to see this sign...WELCOME TO NEW ORLEANS!!! (and I had to pee so bad)

-Now the tunnel, keep in mind, they don't have tunnels in Orlando, or surrounding cities I have been to. This was Sonj and I's first tunnel experience together! 
It's like you experienced it with us! 

Two water towers: 
Biloxi, Mississippi. 

Spanish Fort Town Center, I have no idea what state this was taken in. Sorry. :(

Two of the classic "Take a picture of the person taking a picture of you":
We had to. :)

That's all for today, and the select few pictures of our trip up there. Next post is our few hours in New Orleans, then the concert. :) Tons of pictures and a few videos if I can figure out how to do it. 


  1. You've never been in tunnels??? OH my girlie. We have one that I like on the way to Gooseberry Falls on the North Shore where you go through a cliff. ;) I think I have a picture somewhere..

  2. Road trips are awesome. I took a road trip to the grocery store once. Man it was awesome! Probably not as much adventure as yours though...

  3. You LIE! ;) That CANNOT be a public restroom :O! LOL

    Yaay,awesome fun,great pics =)
    Also,thanks for the follow :)
